The average house price on GEORGE BANK is £328,057
The most expensive house in the street is 1 GEORGE BANK with an estimated value of £449,669
The cheapest house in the street is 2 GEORGE BANK with an estimated value of £236,353
The house which was most recently sold was 1 GEORGE BANK, this sold on 13 May 2021 for £395,000
The postcodes for GEORGE BANK are SA3 4EQ, SA3 4EP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GEORGE BANK Terraced £449,669 £395,000 13 May 2021
2 GEORGE BANK Terraced £236,353 £200,000 9 Oct 2020
3 GEORGE BANK Terraced £259,385 £183,000 30 Oct 2015
4 GEORGE BANK Terraced £277,758 £153,000 8 Dec 2005
6 CHANDLERS REACH GEORGE BANK Flats/Maisonettes £346,743 £91,000 5 May 2000
2 CHANDLERS REACH GEORGE BANK Flats/Maisonettes £316,260 £83,000 8 May 2000
5 CHANDLERS REACH GEORGE BANK Flats/Maisonettes £295,442 £250,000 16 Oct 2020
4 CHANDLERS REACH GEORGE BANK Flats/Maisonettes £395,004 £140,000 25 Jul 2002
3 CHANDLERS REACH GEORGE BANK Flats/Maisonettes £375,902 £220,000 29 Jun 2012